Mission Education and Promotion


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Contact a Mission Promoter near you:





Fr. Kevin Hanlon, MM

Regional Director

P.O. Box 302

Maryknoll, NY 10545

914-941-7590 x2238


Fr. Gerry Kelly, MM

Regional Director

2360 Rice Blvd.

Houston, TX 77005



Greg Darr

Regional Director

5128 Hyde Park Blvd.

Chicago, IL  60615



Dn. Matt Dulka

Regional Director

16642 Ashland Ave.

San Lorenzo, CA  94580




Ossining, NY

Buffalo, NY

Boston, MA

Houston, TX

Jacksonville, FL

Dallas, TX

New Orleans, LA

Chicago, IL

Minneapolis, MN

Cincinnati, OH

Cleveland, OH

Traverse City, MI

San Francisco, CA

Los Angeles, CA

Seattle, WA

Denver, CO

Honolulu, HI

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Mission Education and Promotion, A 100 Year Tradition...
The Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers were founded 100 years ago by two diocesan priests who had a passion for mission.   Along with a young woman, who would found the Maryknoll Sisters, they set out on a grand adventure to engage their fellow Catholics in the U.S. in the mission of Jesus.

That tradition continues today.  Maryknoll’s Mission Education and Promotion Department is here to serve the Catholic Church in the U.S.    
Through baptism, we are all called to carry on the mission of Jesus.  We strive to help Catholics become more aware of their baptismal call to mission and encourage and support them in finding their path to participate in the mission.   We do that through:

  • Cultivation   We seek to develop and foster relationships and partnerships within the Church to collaboratively promote mission.
  • Mission Education   We provide resources and expertise to help educate and form Catholics to live out their baptismal call to mission.
  • Fundraising   We assist Catholics in participating in mission by sharing their financial resources to support the mission efforts of the Church through Maryknoll.
  • Vocations   We invite Catholics to personally  participate in mission through immersion trips and short term mission experiences and encourage them to consider whether God is calling them to a life time commitment as a missionary priest or brother.