One of the

first missionaries

was a deacon 

More than ever

deacons and their wives

 are needed to follow

 in the footsteps of Philip

 to carry on

the mission of

Jesus Christ


Founded over 100 years ago to engage U.S. Catholics in mission, the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers is proud to announce a new program to assist deacons and their wives:

  • Training and formation to become a driving force for mission in your parish and diocese as mission animators and educators 

  • Immersion trips and short term mission opportunities to Guatemala/El Salvador, Jamaica, Bolivia, Tanzania/Kenya and Cambodia 

  • Global spirituality and mission education resources for preaching and teaching 

  • Overview of Deacon Mission Program

    Formation Programs for Deacons

    Join our Deacon Email List

    Mission Education Resources


    Get started today!

    Contact us for more information about:

    Receiving the Maryknoll Magazine or REVISTA (FREE)

    Receiving periodic Email Newsletters of opportunities for immersion trips, formation programs or mission education resources for homilies or teaching

    Becoming trained as a mission educator or animator

    Participating in our mission immersion or short term mission programs