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Mission Rosary

The Mission Rosary links two major concerns of our church: prayer and apostolate. The rosary is a traditional form of prayer, which combines remembrance, praise and petition. It remembers the events of Salvation History, and is in fact the memorial of Christ's mission.   The Mission Rosary is a tool that reminds us through prayer of our responsibility to share that Good News with all the nations.
Developed in the 1950's by Bishop Sheen, the uniqueness of the Mission Rosary is in the five colors represented in each of the decades.  The color symbolism in the rosary is a gentle reminder on which to focus our prayers. This rosary honors the work of the missions, conversions and world peace with special emphasis on each of the Earth's regions, where prayers are needed. Each region is represented by a different color.

1st decade:

 Green beads to represent Africa

2nd decade:

Red beads to represent the Americas

3rd decade:

White beads to represent Europe

4th decade:

Blue beads to represent the islands in Oceania

5th decade:

Yellow beads to represent Asia



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$5 donation requested to cover costs;   includes Mission Rosary Mysteries Brochure.  Contact Kris at

Praying the Rosary


Mission Education & Promotion
Western Region